Dark Is Beautiful

Dark Is Beautiful

“WHITE PERFECT” “FAIR & LOVELY” “WHITE MIRACLE” Around 60% of women in India use skin whitening products, men are a growing segment. The campaign exists to challenge the belief that the value and beauty of people (in India and...
Luxeish Summer 2021

Luxeish Summer 2021

1, 2, Meet Us Outside! Summer is officially here, and for most this summer will be pursued with much vigor. It has already begun, the human exodus to someplaces other than being trapped inside. No matter where you are this summer is either a continuance or a new...
“Programming” Your Ideal Self

“Programming” Your Ideal Self

Your Ideal Self “People often say that this or that person has not yet found themselves. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.” ~Thomas Szasz. "Ideal" The word itself invokes a certain image and definition.   When it...